Monday, October 29, 2007

Cool Links!

Here are some cool links I found. hope you like them....

SoundPedia - A music community like Deezer, where you listen to music, post pictures, have your own blog, and other stuff... The only bad thing is that not all the songs are full. You have to buy them...

Facebook - A website like hi5 which is mainly known as a Social Network website where you meet new people, and meet your old and present ones. Many extra stuff... Add pics, insert games and othe REALLY fun stuff...

hi5 - The same like Facebook, but with more design and info about yourself and others. Less add-ons, but more style. Really cool! You can see your friends, what they like, and all that kind of stuff...

Trading Card Maker! - Make your own trading and playing cards with this online software! Insert the photo, icon, name, sub-title and description. Choose your card template, and print it the size you want! The best and simple to use personal card maker!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ideas:) Found this here on [url=]RVs[/url]